The 31st Annual
Autumn Beemer BASH
a non-profit rally to benefit the BMW Community at Large
September 16 - 18, 2016
Saturday Night Dinner, Saturday & Sunday Continental Breakfasts are only included with a Pre-Registration Package!
Pre-Registration is open from July 10?, 2015
through September 11?, 2015
Family/Medical Emergency refunds only after September 11, 2015 - E-mail your request to bashinfo@ccbr.org. Put "Emergency Refund Request" in the subject line. Include your name, the nature of your emergency, your mailing address and contact phone number.
Where's Quincy
Invited Speakers as of 4/8/16:
- Dave Searle -- Current contributor and former Editor of Motorcycle Consumer News.
- David Hough -- Well-known motorcycle journalist, the author of popular books on safe street riding, and an inductee into the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame.
- Kate Johnston -- “Kate’s Ultimate Coast to Coast to Coast Insanity Ride“
- Richard Bennett -- Retired San Diego Police Dept. Motorcycle Officer Trainer, Moto journalist
The 2016 BASH will once again have several high quality, BMW rider focused vendors at the BASH to help you get the touring, sports riding or dual sport farkles you are missing, replace those you have lost, or add to your inventory of BMW rider equipment, accessories, and clothing you need or want.
Confirmed Vendors: Griggs A list, RKA Luggage
Invited Vendors that have not yet been confirmed: Adventure Designs, Cycle Specialties, Motorcycle Chello, Burns Moto, Boxer Metal, Al Chibi earplugs
Acres of shade and grass for camping or RV hook-ups.
Plenty of Hot Showers!
Door Prizes! 50/50 Drawing! Grand Prize!
Newly designed t-shirts on sale
Vendors! Swap Table!
Things to do Saturday: Portola Railroad Museum - Poker Run - Self Guided Riding Tours - Guided GS Ride
On Site Microbrews, Wine, Soda, Water and Food.
2016 BASH pins for the first 500 registered.
Famous, Free CCBR Coffee from 6 am-8:30 am.
Leashed pets okay.
Pre-Registration Package (for all ages) -$55 Camping, BASH Pin, Prize Drawings and Three Meals. Please Note: Pre-Registration ends and no refunds after September 11, 2015.
Gate Pass (for all ages) - $40 - Camping, BASH Pin, Prize Drawings - no meals.
Kids Pass (age 6 through 11) - $20 - No Extra Tent, Pin, Drawings or Meals
There will be no Day Passes.
Kids age 5 and under are admitted free - No Extra Tent, Pin, Drawings or Meals
RVers and Early Birds pay extra at the Fair Office - Check with the Fair Office for pricing - (530) 283-6272.
Plumas-Sierra Fairgrounds
204 Fairgrounds Road
Quincy, CA. 95971
(530) 283-6272
Fairground Information
BASH Registration & FAQs
Vendor Information
Local Motels
Questions? mailto:bashinfo@ccbr.org (925) 443-2070
Paper Pre-Reg Forms: It is EXTREMELY HELPFUL when you pre-register online. You still have the option of mailing in a check rather than paying by credit card or PayPal. However, if you simply must have a snail mailed paper form, you can request one via the "Questions?" contact information above.