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Garmin IV replacement

  • 20 Mar 2022 11:10
    Reply # 12673706 on 12671795

    You can remove the BMW mount and unplug the wire down inside the faring on the right. Then you can buy a BMW plug to plug in there to get 12v power. You can get a ball mount or maybe a direct mount for the Garmin to go on the bar. I had this setup before I had the navigator.

    2 files
  • 19 Mar 2022 08:25
    Reply # 12672740 on 12671795

    Check out the January 2022 newsletter for the Wunderlinq article. This replaces your garmin with a phone. If you set it up correctly the phone you use does not even need to be directly connected to a cellular service, you can pair it with your regular phone that sits in your pocket.

    Wunderlich sells mounting hardware that would allow you the replace your current garmin with the XT. However it would only draw power from the hardware. You cannot control it from the BMW Wonder Wheel. 

    Kevin Coleman had the same problem with failing Garmins that caused him to go with the Wunderlinq solution. 

    John Ellis

  • 18 Mar 2022 11:22
    Message # 12671795

    I am tired of the Garmin 6 failing under use.  This is my third in less than 1.5 years.  I would like to know if I can remove the unit and replace the entire system with the Zumo XT.   I know it can be removed but need to know if the new unit can be wired into the system.

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